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“Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt the truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.” —William Shakespeare

Valentine’s Day is a worldwide event that promotes the emotion of love. Saint Valentine’s Day is observed on February 14 each year and reflects the anniversary of the death of one of the icons of Christianity, Saint Valentine. February 14 is considered a national holiday in almost all of the First World Countries. In particular, Valentine’s Day has come to be a day intended for lovers. Valentine’s Day is also depicted in the media as a day reserved for lovers. Valentine’s Day, though, has a much broader appeal. It is a day for love to be expressed, and that love can be for anybody, not a lover in particular.

History of Valentine’s Day

What does that say on Valentine’s Day? In total, Saint Valentine had 14 saints who lay down their lives for Ancient Rome. Few individuals, however, think that Valentine’s Day is a dedication to just one of these 14 saints. In the Christian community, on Valentine’s Day, a great feast is held to celebrate the Day of Saint Valentine’s death and to honour their love for their soil and their martyrdom. Therefore, the very reason for celebrating Valentine’s Day has little to do with the love between two lovers. Conversely, Valentine’s Day has become a day where a man is intended to express his feelings for a woman, and a woman is supposed to do so as well due to popular culture.

What Should People Really Do on Valentine’s Day?  

People share roses, Valentine’s Day surprises and scribble love notes on the empty pages of personalized greeting cards as a remembrance of Valentine’s Day. Although we share how we feel on Valentine’s Day almost every other time of the year, it’s still harder to put emotions on paper. Think more about the person you are writing to before you start writing your thoughtful Valentine’s letter.

Think about how the special individuals leave you feel and what expression on this Valentine’s Day you want to deliver to them. Letters don’t have to be too long and thorough, and it’ll be a perfect way to express your love for the individual you’re writing to post a note from the heart.

What Does Valentine’s Day Stand For?

A reflection of the emotion called love is Valentine’s Day. The most celebrated kind may be love between lovers (a man and his wife). Love of all sorts, though, is exquisite and, thus, needs to be celebrated. Valentine’s Day is observed to give credit to Saint Valentine, who sacrificed his life away for the cause of love. Valentine’s Day symbolizes passion. Don’t start to feel depressed on Valentine’s Day if you don’t have a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Instead, check your life and find, in every form and in every way, people who genuinely loved you, and say thank you to them for always being with you when you needed them.

Valentine’s Day Should not Only be Dedicated to Your Partner Only. Wish Family and Friends as Well!

This Valentine’s Day, if you’re a wife, tell your husband about your devotion. However, do not hesitate to express your love for those other people who are important in your life as well. Look past Valentine’s Day’s commercialization. It is the time to appreciate people for being there in your world, whoever they are, and being with you when you need them. First, it is above any other kind of love in the world to thank your parents for the love they have given you. Thanks to them for making you the person you are. Buy presents for them and write notes, which should make them feel content.

Next, say thank you to your partner to be there in times of ups and downs with you. If they have stayed with you through rough and low and have always been by your show and made sacrifices to keep you happy, it only indicates that they love you a ton. So, it is essential to value and enjoy their love. A nice way to describe what they have done for you is to buy something they would appreciate and love them. Often, by continually reminding them how you care, you can ask them what you feel about them.

In certain social circles and traditions, it is also a time to honor friends. For instance, in Finland, Valentine’s Day translates to “Friend’s Day,” which is more about honoring all friends instead of only concentrating on romance. In Guatemala, Valentine’s Day is recognized as love and Friendship Day. It is equivalent to Valentine’s Day rituals and practices in countries such as the United States, but it is also a moment for many to show their mates their gratitude. Therefore, on Valentine’s Day, you should wish for your friends, too. Friends are people who, even though everyone else appears to lose their trust in us, maintain their faith in us. Friends are all those who know our own issues that our relatives, parents, or spouses cannot understand. On every Valentine’s Day, therefore, every person should thank their friends. Do stuff that they want and value that will produce positive outcomes for them.


Finally, because everything is about love on Valentine’s Day, one must make an effort to spread the love around them. Do something on Valentine’s Day that will make the people around you feel content. Please do something about the little children around you who have no one to look after them. Likewise, a person should go to a home of old age and do something for elderly folks who still have someone left to consider their own in the world. All about showcasing and sharing your feelings and doing things that will make others feel loved is Valentine’s Day. Make sure to enjoy this year’s Valentine’s Day with utter contentment because it is all about sharing happiness.