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street crimes
street crimes

Crime rates are increasing from day to day in the world. These offenses include fraud, assassination, and abduction, etc. Not only are these crimes being committed by professionals, but also by quite poor individuals, and many of these activities are street crimes. Street crime is actually short-term for any criminal offense in public areas. A crime conducted in public areas by citizens is called a street crime.

The first point which should be noticed is that in the context that they are often not committed by trained criminals, street crimes vary from typical crimes. Research has shown that the persons who get into such kind of activities are ordinary native-looking beings who engage in such practices, tired of chronic poverty.

The primary explanation for this is the widening distinction between rich and poor. In the past, poor folks were supported or cared for by rich people, which established a close link between the two groups of society. Sadly, the case is flipped. It seems that core principles have completely vanished.

Types of Street Crimes

There are several types of street crimes. The most common type of street crimes include but are not limited to the following:

Mobile snatching

Mobile snatching is indeed a very common crime especially in Karachi, Pakistan where nearly 80% of Karachi citizens become its victim once in their lives. As per the study, at minimum 200 to 400 smartphones are snatched each day in Karachi.


This sort of crime has been rising very swiftly and committed especially in the parts of the world, which are exposed to terrorism. Target killing has become common in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen.

Crime against property

An example of property crime is wide extorting theft. Property fraud is prevalent in Pakistan, growing day by day. It is a popular form of street crime, people try to cheat someone else to get unethical or illegitimate gain.

Street crimes against public health

The sale and purchase from drug dealers is a form of street crime. According to a survey, there are 6.7 million substance abusers in Pakistan. Therefore, more than 4 million of these consumers are among the largest number of addicts in any nation in the world and everything goes against public health. However, Pakistan is not the only country having drug problems. Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, the U.S. (United States), and Great Britain are also amongst the street crimes against public health.

Causes of street crimes        

Crimes are public errors that exist from the developmental history of human society. Some of the central factors of street crimes are unemployment, lack of education, corruption, and lack of law, etc.


Now the question arises: How can we reduce street crimes? What are adequate measures which should be taken to deal with them?

Street crimes can be reduced by finding out the root causes of them. First of all, the government should generate new employment for young people, which can also help in this aspect by ensuring business climate. Effective and less costly training will help to reduce the nations’ street crimes. The media may play a crucial role in minimizing street crimes by publishing motivational materials.  Removing societal corruption can also minimize street crimes. Street crimes can be minimized by introducing new law enforcement agencies in the affected countries. Honest and effective police officers in the countries should be designated. In order to help the police to apprehend the culprits, security cameras should be mounted on all street corners. The black sheep in the police department must be identified and strong action against them should be taken.

Writing vs. Speaking – The Similarities and Differences

writing and speaking, writing vs. speaking

If you work somewhere as a writer, you may have often heard your supervisor saying: ‘Please, try to write in the way you speak so that we can sell our products effectively.’ If you are an expert at Grammar, you may reply to your supervisor: How can I express punctuation marks while speaking? Both you and your supervisor are right. Writing and speaking do have similarities; however, people need to know that there are also differences between the two. Without further ado, let’s have a look at the similarities and differences between writing and speaking: 

The Similarities between Writing and Speaking

Point #1: Writers are motivated to speak to the audience as per their needs while writing, and the speakers do the same thing.

Point #2: You need to highlight essential points in the form of a summary, whether you are writing or speaking.

Point #3: You need to stick to the point while writing, so you need to keep the length of your sentences to eight to fifteen (8 to 15) words while writing. You need to remain clear while speaking, so you need to remain restricted to a few words to convey your message correctly.

Point #4: While writing, you focus on keywords to convey your message, and you make a strong emphasis on words that can deliver your message well to the audience. Thus, both writers and speakers speak of the keywords.

Point #5: Make a valid claim if you want to sell, particularly if you’re going to sell your product by writing. You need to do the same while speaking; otherwise, your audience can switch to your competitors.

Point #6: Jargons are bad, so you shouldn’t use them while speaking and writing. Why? Because the whole world has no time to chat and produce slang words.

Point #7: Whether you speak or write, you need to repeat important words to ensure your message is being conveyed to the audience.

Point #8: You will need to come up with a good message to win your audience’s trust. Thus, you need to edit your content and proofread while reading; the same goes for speech.

Point #9: You need a theme to start with while writing or speaking.

Point #10: Pictures can speak a thousand words. You need to use them while you want to elaborate on something while writing. You also need to use the pictures to express your message to the target audience while giving a presentation.

Point #11: Use strong words while you speak or write. For instance, you can use the following sentence while speaking or writing: ‘Each participant has an equal chance (strong words) of selection.’

Point #12: Explain your point while writing and speaking to let the audience understand what you want to convey to them.

The Differences between Writing and Speaking

Point #1: Readers want to read whenever they have a desire for it. For example: ‘Readers may pick up a book, white paper, and a proposal to read it.’ Thus, writers can get the readers’ attention easily. However, the listeners don’t plan to listen to you all day; hence, you need to stick to the point while speaking to the audience.

Point #2: You can easily interpret emotion from a speaker than an author. Yes, writers can bring feelings in you; nonetheless, if you are writing a business letter, you should avoid emotional words if you want to get your reader’s attention. Business is a serious deal; therefore, you should avoid emotions in business writing.

Point #3: If you want to feel your audience’s response with your own eyes, you can rely on speaking. Why? Because writers don’t convey their messages in front of the audience.

Point #4: The proper usage of Grammar can make your write-ups better. You can’t do that while speaking because you make loads of grammatical mistakes while speaking. For instance, ‘A comma is used for a pause in writing; however, while speaking, you may avoid that pause and may spoil your speech to convey your message to the audience better.’

Finally, if you know many other similarities and differences between writing and speaking, you can share them in the form of comments.

How Can The Education System In Pakistan Be Improved?

education system, improved education system

Education plays a vital role in strengthening a country, and it helps to open new horizons of success and prosperity for a nation. Pakistan being a developing country, is amidst an education crisis since its independence. A weak education system results in a myriad of problems for a country, and the low literacy rate and lack of interest of the Pakistani population in education is a massive obstacle in this 73-year-old country’s progress. 

The Pakistani education system has various flaws, and it has always failed to deliver the aspired results. Miscellaneous factors are involved in Pakistani education’s current miserable condition, and the limited education budget always tops the list. Gender discrimination, increasing poverty, societal norms comes after. Did you know Pakistan has the lowest education budget in the world? Pakistan needs to make a seismic shift in the way its education system functions to thrive in this competitive world, but change always starts from grassroots levels. We have jotted down some essential points on how to improve the education system in Pakistan. Please do, read those points.

  • Identify and Address Issues Causing Low Enrollment:

One of the fundamental factors that our children are not in school is the alarmingly high percentage of Pakistani residents living under the poverty line. Approximately 24.3% of the population is under the national poverty line, so the children are often forced to work. The families see their children as a source of income and rely on their children’s daily wages, which is why enrolling in school isn’t possible. 

To address this issue and ensure that children get primary education, the laws prohibiting child labor should be implemented legally. Child labor must be condemned at every level, domestic or commercial, and the mass awareness campaigns in underdeveloped and rural areas about the significance of education in future earnings must be planned and executed. This is one of the principal ways to improve school enrollment at primary and secondary levels.

  • Minimize Difference Of Standards In Schools:

The importance of state-funded and private schools in educating the youth cannot be disregarded. The notion that the private education system must be abolished will further aggravate the education problems in Pakistan. Did you know that one-third of all Pakistani students attend private schools? This is a massive percentage, but people from more prosperous backgrounds can only afford good private education in Pakistan. Due to sufficient resources, the facilities provided in private schools are far better than public schools in the country.

On the other hand, state schools have no sense of equality in terms of facilities. In some well-developed areas, the state schools have an ample number of school teachers with a developed infrastructure, while in most places, a primary school is set up under a tree. Similarly, the curriculum also has massive differences, creating issues when children progress to higher education levels. This issue needs to be discussed, and universal standards for government and private schools must be developed to ensure that every kid is getting adequate facilities and education.

  • Decrease Focus On Education In English:

Unfortunately, South Asia’s colonial history is one of the fundamental reasons for Pakistani’s obsession with English, impacting the education system. Conversing in fluent English is often considered a measure of intelligence, which is why teachers and parents are focusing too much on teaching in a foreign language. English is undoubtedly a global language. Learning English is imperative to survive in the world, but at primary and secondary instilling, basic concepts in children are more valuable than getting better at a language.

Language is a medium of communication, and ideas and thoughts are shared suitably if the communication is carried out in a language everyone has good command over. Students and teachers are not entirely comfortable with the English language, which gives  a push to the rote system in education. Teachers develop a course in English and dictate it to the students, who memorize them to write it in the examination. This is how the whole education system is working for the past few decades. Teaching in the national language with the inclusion of regional languages will help students learn and grab everything efficiently.

  • Educate Parents About Female Education:

Female education plays a crucial role in society’s progress and development, and awareness about this is relatively low in Pakistani society. Only 29% of females in rural areas of Pakistan get basic education, and the overall female literacy rate of Pakistan is 42%, which is significantly less than the male literacy rate. These statistics clearly indicate that Pakistani parents are still reluctant to enroll their female children in schools, even in this contemporary world.

The potential in Pakistani girls is infinite, and if given adequate opportunities, they are no less than anyone. Parents need to recognize this as they are a major obstacle in girls’ education. Most girls who cannot attend a school have unsupportive parents, or their parents cannot afford education expenses, so they are more focused on educating their male children. 

There are many religious and social factors involved, but building girls’ schools can overcome this problem while parents from low economic backgrounds must be involved in community schools. Scholarships and education loans for female students must be offered in sufficient numbers; partnering with private sectors to build schools for girls in rural areas is another feasible option. There is a lot to be done for women’s education in Pakistan, and stakeholders must take the essential steps towards betterment as women constitute 48.54%% of the total Pakistani population.

  • Transportation for School Children & Teachers:

In rural areas, transportation is a crucial issue and is the main reason why children are not enrolled in schools as the institutions are far away from their residential areas. Tertiary level state institutions provide limited transport facilities for their students, but this concept is absent at primary and secondary levels. Children have to handle the daily commute by themselves, which is an extra burden on the parents, so they are unwilling to send them to schools, particularly girls.

Safe and affordable or ideally free transportation is required for teachers and students because both are frequently absent due to the unavailability. Schools in distant areas must have a state-funded transport system to ensure regular attendance and productivity of teachers and students. Challenging modes of transportation exhaust children and reduce their capacity to learn, eventually affecting their annual performance. Transportation directly impacts the student’s capabilities to study, and its effect cannot be neglected at all.

  • Incentives for Private Education Sector:

The current miserable conditions and productivity of public schools are out in the open, and it will not improve overnight. Extensive efforts and policies need to be formulated along with a sufficient budget for education to make the entire public school system more useful. One thing that can readily be done is to provide incentives and packages to private schools and institutions to give scholarships and charge fewer fees from deserving students from humble backgrounds. 

This would be a significant step for students in districts where state schools are not functional at all, and this way, underprivileged kids from such areas can also become a part of the education system.Private schools are profitable ventures, and offering free education to a few students will not be a massive concern for most of them. The government and education ministry should formulate policies that will direct private institutions to provide free education and dedicate 10% of their annual enrolment to needy students.

  • Regularly Revise The Curriculum:

The world is progressing towards 6G technology and dazzling in the technological fields. However, here in Pakistan, we are still teaching the syllabus that our parents used to study decades back. The computer education that is, taught in our classes is very elementary and outmoded and doesn’t prepare our students well for the world’s competitive practical environment. This is also one of the principal reasons why unemployment is prevailing in Pakistan. 

The students of higher education institutions are studying outdated books and learning fundamental concepts. They are not aware and taught the recent developments, so when they arrive in the practical world, the requirements are high, which they cannot meet, leading to late employment or unemployment. This has some severe impacts and increases depression and the suicide rate in younger generations. The syllabus must be updated frequently, and new additions must be made regularly to ensure that the things and topics being taught are up to the 

mark and relevant and useful in the current world.

  • Involve Teachers and Invest In Training:

An educational system cannot grow unless the teachers are included in policy making, and their feedback is taken into consideration. They are working practically. Their valuable feedback about what changes need to be done to become more productive and what modifications are essential will improve the education system to a much greater extent. Include them in the talks and take their advice to provide better education for the upcoming generations.

Another critical aspect is the teacher’s qualification. Educators must be encouraged to continue their learning alongside working as teachers. They must complete their bachelor’s education, and for that, salary incentives and scholarship programs specially designed for teachers can be started. Professionalism is vital for a teaching career. To learn new techniques, educational institutions must invest in annual training sessions that empower them to improve their teaching skills, soft skills, and teachers with higher competency levels should be given a raise to promote healthy competition among the teacher community.

  • Equal Opportunities For Differently-abled People:

Did you know that according to the census held in 1998, 2.38% of the entire pakistani population is differently-abled? Differently-abled is a sensitized word for people with disabilities but these linguistic changes are essential for awareness but not enough to make them a productive citizen of Pakistan. They hold equal rights in education as well, which is often dismissed. There must be special schools for differently-abled children at all levels. 

An increase in quota in higher education institutions is also required to ensure equal access to opportunities like any other Pakistani. Former provincial education minister Zubaida Jalal came up with a national action plan to provide inclusive education for people with disabilities, however the implementation was not completed accurately, and  less effective results were observed. NGOs and the private sector are working diligently for such people. Still, a lack of interest is observed from government organizations, so change needs to be made to promote education for people with special needs.

  • Focus on Vocational Education:

A one size fits all approach is not suitable anymore when providing education in the 20th century. Every student is unique and has its strengths. A sound education system helps students identify where their potential lies and gives them suitable relevant opportunities to succeed in that field. Unfortunately, the Pakistani education system is more focused on academic education, and a meager percentage of students opt for vocational education.Pakistanis are always focused on getting an education that will open gateways towards white-collar jobs, and there is also a social stigma attached to vocational education and the associated employment opportunities.

The state of vocational education is also deplorable in Pakistan, and very few institutes are providing quality education for such aspirants. This needs to be worked on, and awareness should be dispersed about the significance of vocational education to decrease unemployment after graduation. Vocational pieces of training can help students earn a handsome amount, and the cost of such education is also much lower. It takes less time to finish the studies, and the chances of getting hired are way higher because of less competition.

Final Words:

The Government of Pakistan alone cannot fix Pakistan’s education system, and every individual and private organization must strive and play their part in the progress of the country’s education system.  Collective efforts are the key to increase Pakistan’s literacy rate, and equal education opportunities for everyone is the only way to build a strong, prosperous Pakistan.


covid-19 world


Since the covid-19 has hit the world; it is doubtful that the world after COVID-19 would return to the world that existed before. The effect of the epidemic is speeding up several developments already ongoing in the world economy. This is particularly true of the digital economy, as the digital activity, such as online work and learning, telehealth, and shipment of goods is growing. It can also accelerate other transformations. 

More than 50 million individuals were killed by the 1918 pandemic, commonly known as the Spanish Flu, of which more than 14 million died in British India only. The consequence of this flu epidemic has become more profound and global. World War I had a huge effect. It changed the limits of colonial powers, stakeholder expectations, and poverty in several countries due to inflation and unemployment. In the old colonies, the epidemic boosted independence movements and pushed countries to make universal healthcare policies. It was also the reason behind advancements in virology and the development of vaccines.

Ironically, one thing that is most important in today’s life is human liberty, which has been destroyed by this disease outbreak. Our lifestyle has been distinguished in many other parts of the world by personal and social freedoms where, after making expensive sacrifices, nations have marched to wars and conquered them. 

Many evaluations are running on about what much of the world after the catastrophic transition of 2020 we will encounter over the next generation. In addition to emergency financial steps introduced by individual authorities and public financial organizations to keep companies and nations alive and help people who are currently out of work, countries are indeed focusing on engineering the epidemic; they have not had time to think about their preparations for the future. 
However, through some hypotheses concerning various aspects, we have brought the following predictions about how the world would be after covid-19.


Relative to investments in coal or constructing new malls and restaurants, the new business focus would be on lowering carbon emissions, pushing fresh & organic food choices, and improving hospital hygiene & fitness centers. Within the next few years, healthcare will be the prevailing problem. 


As seen during the contagion, home deliveries of food and retail goods would increase. Amazon has been one of the tech firms, hiring workers rather than sending them off for layoffs. Apple will strengthen its e-commerce tools. Google, Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba, their cyber-security will be tightened, customers will be assured safe financial transactions, and professionals will battle with one another. 


With defined guidance for medical professionals about patient admissions throughout emergencies, hospital treatment will mark a significant change. To cover medical treatment, many nations will adopt health insurance. Before hospitals interfere, this could be brought to the next stage to involve other inquiries. It will be a challenge for the mental health community to deal with the new pandemic’s pain and anguish. Further funding could be allocated for researching new bridge control vaccines in case of other pandemic’s threat. 


In several nations, schooling rapidly has moved from classes to e-learning during the coronavirus freeze. For the advantage of homes without the internet, Turkey went one step more and designated free Television networks for e-learning. Students have adapted to a modern learning style, assisted by specialized chat groups and video classes, which would be likely to be the new norm of education. Also, with the need for classrooms, teachers will be educated in new forms of e-learning. 


States that have heavily invested in the tourism industry, such as Barbados, Trinidad, Spain, Portugal, India, Egypt and Turkey, would work directly with the hotel and resort personnel to ensure that visitors are provided with an isolated and infection-free climate. 

In many other countries, there are going to have new visa rules for travelers. States where the epidemic has peaked, and life has stabilized, may place visa limits on citizens of countries that are still struggling with the epidemic. Authorities may even introduce a new visa policy, in which travelers would have to take their immunity certificates along with other documents.

The Workplace:

Small office rooms can be leased by businesses where large inventories and supplies are not expected to be kept and will enable workers to work at the house. Rather than the standard five days a week, employers can recruit staff for three days to split the job opportunity with a large group of people seeking employment. Travel agents may fade away from high streets, as most begin to work on home e-ticketing. Business travel would then significantly decrease, leading to greater dependence on virtual meetings and red meetings. 

International Order:

It is becoming evident that the current world system will be amended by influential countries in the POST-COVID-19 WORLD, considering the lessons learned in coping with the current epidemic from the output of authoritarian governments and free democracies. Despite being the most populated nation on earth, China rescued its people from coronavirus fatalities to a substantial extent, whereas the US, the UK, Italy, Spain and France were unable to do this with their best medical care facilities and technologies. 


So, to cut to the chase, the moral from the illness of the Covid-19 is meaningful. Humans ought to behave in a new way that may return the beloved Earth to life. It is a new fight for natural selection and survival in the post-modern progress of humans. It means that if you do not have the skills to crush the economic, financial and social stresses, you face as a person or as a country, the lease on your survival in a world of competition is close to running out quickly. Is the world prepared for a bleak situation like this? Human society requires to take its poverty and helplessness into the march of human civilization. The more we focus on problems, the more we will get the solutions that can eventually lead to the new-better-world.

What is the Easiest Way to Learn English Grammar?


English is known to be the world’s most renowned language. With its roots all around the world, learning English and English Grammar is everyone’s passion. English Grammar is like a game. Some play the game like a professional, and some are amateur or novice. Some of them struggle with tenses, narrations, sentences, and clauses. Grammar is still a mystery to many people because they fail to understand the true meaning of it. They ignore this part. To learn Grammar effortlessly, you have to put it in the right place. Below are some of the best English grammar rules you can follow up to learn English Grammar effectively.

Learning Words:

Do not just sit around doing nothing. Instead, keep on learning new words every day. Set a goal for learning as many words as possible in a day to expand your English vocabulary, followed by Grammar.

As we know the essential elements of Grammar are words. For this, get a dictionary and learn as many words as you can. When you are learning new words, use them in your texts, sentences, and people.

Do not worry about Grammar as long as you can deliver what you are trying to say to another person.


Socializing is the best tool you can use to learn Grammar. Language, whichever it may be, makes you a part of society, and learning it without talking to people in that language is a big failure.

Try socializing with people wherever you go or on the call. The more you will hear the other person’s words, the more you will learn.

Practice, Practice, and Practice:

Practice makes a man perfect. If you want something to happen, you keep on practicing it. The same goes for learning English Grammar. Solve as many exercises as possible, download an English Grammar app to keep yourself up to date about English Grammar at all times.

English Grammar mastery requires learning five skills which include (reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking). You should seek every single opportunity to learn Grammar.

Watch and Learn:

It is one of the most effective ways to learn easy English grammar. Watch TV shows and other English movies—especially movies which involve wit and humor.

A good English TV series is ‘Big Bang Theory’; a must-watch. However, take control of the movies you watch and shows you digest because most of them have Grammatical errors as they speak.

Understanding Parts of Speech:

Parts of speech play a crucial role in your Grammar development. Without understanding parts of speech properly, you won’t be able to follow English Grammar rules properly. When you are done with knowing as many words as possible, it is finally time to use them in a sentence.

Parts of speech are the only element that will tell you when to use the word in a sentence and the placement of the words in your sentence. It would be best if you chose an elite choice of words in your sentences. In short, these are the English Grammar rule you will need all the time.

Parts of speech are nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and the list goes on.


These were some of the most important English Grammar rules that you need to follow and practice to speak and write English flawlessly.

Why Can You Trust a Freelance Content Writer?

trust, handshake

There are two types of writers that you will find online, one is a professional content writer, and another is a home based content writer. No doubt that professional writers are very talented; however, deploying their services is a big-ticket deal. On the other hand, freelance content writers can work for you for a very low price. So utilizing the services of a freelance content writer is a good bargain for clients. Moreover, clients can trust freelance content writers; as they are multi-talented. Let us discuss in points why clients should trust home-based content writers:

  • Freelance content writers do not just deal with a single niche; however, professional content writers usually target one niche, as they are bound. Home-based content writers deal with different types of clients. In other words, they deal with different niches. So they can do the job for different clients targeting different niches. Thus all types of clients can have faith in the expertise of a freelance content writer.
  • We have already mentioned at the start of this post that expert writers are expensive. On the other hand, a home based content writer can do the job for clients for cheap rates. So clients can save a good sum of money and trust freelance content writers over professional content writers.
  • Freelance content writers work with flexible deadlines, while adept content writers work with tight deadlines that affect the quality of their pieces of work. Thus, clients can trust freelance content writers and expect more quality in the pieces of work that is, done by a home based content writer.
  • Home-based content writers typically have an extended portfolio of their work, which also enhances their credibility. Conversely, professional content writers’ portfolio is not as impressive as the portfolio of freelance content writers. Clients can depend on a freelance content writer with confidence, as such a writer is highly productive.
  • Professional content writers offer only limited services, as they are time-bound, whereas a freelance content writer offers multiple services to the clients worldwide. A professional writer may only be an expert in web content or article writing; however, a home based content writer may offer the services of writing web content, press releases, articles, and animated video scripts. So clients can trust home-based content writers if they need multi-talented writers.
  • Selecting the right kind of a freelance content writer is not a hectic task for international clients. Many clients leave 5-star feedback on freelance platforms for a prodigious home based content writer. The professional content writers work for companies, so there is no authenticity of the pieces of work that they do for their respective companies. Therefore, clients in the world should favor freelance content writers over professional writers.


So there are different reasons for clients to trust a home based content writer. In the first place, home-based content writers are multi-talented. Secondly, they are affordable. Furthermore, they work with flexible deadlines. So clients can trust such writers without a hassle. Last but not least, if you have not yet given a try to any freelance content writer, then we recommend you to give home-based content writers a try from today.

Writing an Exceptional eBook Demands Time!


An eBook is a kind of book that is, high in demand nowadays. Due to the extreme demand for eBooks, many writers have started to contemplate writing eBooks as a niche. Both, the professional and home-based content writers can write an eBook owing to their skills in writing, but writing an exceptional eBook demands time from writers. In this post, I shall discuss with you the necessary steps that you need to take to come up with a prodigious eBook. Without further ado, let me take you straight towards the steps that you need to take to compile an exceptional book.

Step No. 1: Time is Money

In the first place, you need to make sure what your eBook is all about. To do this with rectification, you will need to spend time thinking about the matter that your eBook should contain. In the first place, you will need to create an outline. An outline for an eBook will depend on the topic about which you are writing an eBook. For instance, if you are writing an eBook about content writing recipes; then the outline of your eBook should encompass the necessary ingredients for content writing. Let me give you an idea as a freelance content writer for writing an outline about the eBook with the name, CONTENT WRITING RECIPES:

Make the title of an eBook first and introduce a tagline next to it.

Part 1: Introduce to the readers about yourself. (Author Biography).

Part 2: Present to the readers about what is content writing (Introduction).

Part 3: Start with the basics. (Tell a bit about Keywords & Search Engine Optimization)

Part 4: Ensure for whom you are writing content (Target Audience)

Part 5: Discuss how to create titles for pieces of work. (Catchy Headlines)

Part 6: Tell how to concise a pile of documents (Summary)

Part 7: Know how to begin your topic with triumph. (Perfect Introduction)

Part 8: Use connecting sentences to link different paragraphs. (Connectors)

Part 9: Perfectly end the topic that you are discussing. (Conclusion)

Part 10: Read your article time and again to eradicate errors. (Proofreading)

All of the above steps for writing an impeccable eBook will demand time from you. If you allocate a time period to the above ingredients for writing an eBook about content writing recipes, then compiling a phenomenal eBook will become a piece of cake for you.

Step No. 2: Spend Time on Research before You Compile an eBook

Before you start writing an eBook, I recommend that you spend sufficient time researching the topic and target audience of your eBook. For example, if your target audience is children; then you will need to deploy Infographics in your eBook. Why? Because children understand visuals by leaps and bounds than text. You will need to do thorough research about the topic of your eBook. Make sure that you research all the nuts and bolts related to your topic of an eBook. Suppose if the topic of your eBook is English Grammar, then you should research about the following things in detail:

  1. Sentences and Their Classification.
  2. Parts of Speech.
  3. Tenses
  4. Active and Passive Voice
  5. Direct and Indirect Narration
  6. Punctuation
  7. Sentence Correction
  8. Essential Vocabulary (for Everyday Use)
  9. Idioms & Phrases (Popular Ones).
  10. Letter Writing
  11. Story Writing
  12. Essay Writing

Researching about the preceding topics will demand sufficient time from you. However, if you conduct a thorough research about the topic of your eBook, then you will be able to produce a wonderful eBook after your efforts.

Step No. 3: Time Will Become Your Ally to Compile an eBook after Research

After doing all the hard work through research, compiling a perfect eBook will become a child’s play for you. You will know what you need to talk about in your eBook after conducting in-depth research about the topic and target audience of your eBook. Here are the points that you need to keep in your mind while you write about the subject matter of your eBook:

  • Be informal, as not every person in the world is highly educated. You need to make sure that your target audience comprehends what you want to tell them about. Please, do not use complicated words or sentences.
  • Make use of humor if it fits with the subject of your eBook. The target audience of your eBook will feel fresh while reading your eBook if you utilize a bit of humor.
  • Be informative. Make sure you deal with all the ins and outs of your topic in an eBook. Knowledge works as power, and many people in the world want it desperately.
  • Make sure you convince your readers about the topic through arguments in your eBook. Remain persuasive to retain the attention of your target audience.
  • If you are writing an eBook about a story, then you will need to adopt a narrative style of writing.
  • Use references in your eBook if they boost the credibility of your eBook.
  • After completing your eBook, you will need to check it for errors about 3 to 5 times. It is understood that eBooks with loads of errors mean you are not an exceptional author.

Step No. 4: Take Some Time to Enhance the Appearance of Your eBook

After you have finished writing an impeccable eBook, you will need to spend time to enhance its appearance. Choose the right template that fits best with the topic of your eBook. What about the colors? Make full use of the appropriate colors in your eBooks, as colors attract the readers to read any book, be it an eBook or a book. Incorporate visuals where you feel the need for them in your eBook. Also, make the most of famous quotes in your eBook if you think that they go well with the topic of your eBook. Encourage readers to buy your eBook by incorporating a CTA (Call to Action) on the cover page of your eBook. For example, a CTA can be as follows: Limited Edition Available. Buy Now!

Step No. 5: Spend Time to Finalize Your eBook

You will very likely be compiling your eBook as a Microsoft Word Document. After you have finished writing your eBook, you would want it to be in a readable format. So use the necessary software or tool to convert your eBook to PDF (Portable Document Format). You will need to do it, as eBook looks great in a readable form. This step will take lesser time than all of the other steps that I have discussed to compile an exceptional eBook.


Do you agree now with the statement: Writing an exceptional eBook demands time? Of course, it takes time. On the other hand, the time that you spend as a home based content writer or a professional content writer can be converted to money if you become an eBook seller. Many content writers started as eBooks writers in the past, and today their eBooks are the world’s best-selling eBooks. You can join the list of the world’s best eBook sellers if you carefully spend time while compiling an eBook. Last but not least, writing an exceptional eBook definitely demands time!

How Can You Find an Efficient Home Based Content Writer?

home based content writer, freelance content writer

How hard is it to find an efficient home based content writer these days? Of course, finding the right freelance content writer is a daunting task, but it does not mean that you cannot find one. As long as you know what you should look for in a home-based content writer, your burden will be lightened. Let us provide you some tips that will help you find the right freelance content writer at a quick pace:

Tip #1: Check Writer’s Portfolio

The deserving home based content writer will have a portfolio of his/her work. So if someone claims to you that he/she is the right fit for the content writing job, then you can ask that person to display his/her portfolio to you. You may find that person’s portfolio on a blogging website, such as WordPress or Blogger.

Tip #2: Writer’s Response

You will also need to check the response time of the writer to your request. For instance, if you have posted a job opportunity on Upwork, then you should check whether that writer responds to your job post promptly or not. The quick response time by writer means: He/She is interested to do the business with you.

Tip #3: Means of Communication

Once a writer has won your trust for doing the job for you, then you need to do one more thing i.e., taking the writer towards your preferred medium, be it Skype, Gmail, or instant messaging website like Messenger. On your chosen medium, you can contact the writers about the details of your project and the means through which you may pay the writer.

To Sum Up…

An efficient freelance writer should have a strong portfolio. Such a writer should be flexible in discussing the project with you on any medium. Lastly, an efficient home-based content writer should respond to an employer’s request quickly.

Understanding Social Media


social media, social media knowledge

What Is Social Media?  

Social media is an interactive media that allows users to create, share and exchange information on the internet. It has become the best medium of communication today. Social media is flourishing from its birth. Social media networks offer new and meaningful ways to people to communicate with each other. Social media networking has changed the way people do business, the way they meet each other, and the way they interact with each other. New social media sites are created time and again due to the growing popularity of social media.

social media websites, social media site

Social Media Websites:    

Seven different types of social media websites are available today.

1. Social Media Networking Websites: Such social media sites allow users to interact by adding friends, commenting on profiles, joining groups and having discussions. Facebook and LinkedIn examples of social networking websites.

2. Social Bookmarking Websites: Such sites allow users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents. These sites also allow users to tag their favorite website links. Delicious and StumbleUpon are examples of social bookmarking websites.

3. Social News Websites: These sites allow users to post news articles or posts that they find interesting. Reddit and Digg are examples of social news websites.      

4. Media Sharing Websites: These sites allow users to interact by sharing photos or videos and commenting on user submissions. YouTube is a famous video sharing and Flickr Flickr is a popular photo-sharing social media site.

5. Wikis Sites: Online encyclopedia websites that allow users to interact by adding articles or editing existing articles. Wikipedia is an example of a wiki.

6. Forums and Blogging Sites: Forum sites allow users to hold online conversations about the topic they like and blogging sites are places where content is posted and updated as discrete entries. Blogger is a renowned blogging website and WarriorForum is an example of a forum.

7. Microblogging Websites: Such sites allow users to post small pieces of digital content which could be text, pictures, links or short videos. Twitter is the most popular microblogging website.

social media marketing

What Is Social Media Marketing?

“The process of gaining traffic or attention to one’s own website by using social media is known as Social Media Marketing.” Every social media website has a specific purpose, so online businesses use social networking websites for marketing in accordance with the purpose of those sites. Some social media websites allow users to share short messages, some allow users to upload videos or presentations, and some allow them to give a link to their websites. Distinct social functions of social media sites make social media marketing very effective for businesses.

social media for business, social media network

What To Focus On While Using Social Media For Business?

You should focus on certain things before using social media for business. You must know your audience in the first place before executing any social media strategy. You should be aware of the needs and wants of your target audience. Next, you must know the purpose of each social media website. You should use an appropriate social media network for communication. For instance, if you are in a business of animated video advertisements, then YouTube is the best social media site for you to communicate with your customers. Focusing on preceding things will help you execute your social media strategies successfully.

social media monitoring

What is Social Media Monitoring?

Social media monitoring refers to the monitoring of conversations going on social media websites about a particular brand. It is a great way to find out the opinions of people about a brand. It helps businesses to respond to customers in accordance with their insights. It also helps businesses identify their share of voice on social media platforms. Social media monitoring aids businesses to discover gaps in the online market too, and thus allows them to find sales opportunities.

social media monitoring, social media manager, social media monitor

Social Media Manager for Social Media Management   

Social media provides a platform to people to listen, interact, engage and collaborate with each other. Whenever the volume of conversations about a specific company on a social media site rises, it becomes a very difficult process for a company to manage those conversations. Therefore, companies hire social media managers for their social media management. Social media manager monitors, contributes, filters, measures, and guides the company’s presence on social media.

famous social websites

Why Do Internet Users Go for Social Media?

People go for social media since it offers them benefits in certain ways. First of all, it allows people to share their views, ideas, and opinions with others. Moreover, the discovery of new content in social media turns into a news story that spread quickly helping the contributor of that news to become popular over the internet in a short span of time. It also helps companies to market their products and services to people across the globe. These benefits of social media encourage internet users to choose it.

How Did Animation Proceed From Past to Present? Each Explainer Video Has a Value for Business

explainer videos, animated videos


In past, animation was a very lengthy process and it was done by creating photographs one by one. At that time, it was not trouble-free for an individual artist to draw hundreds of drawings for sole purpose of animation. Animation became a bit easier when celluloid was used for making backgrounds, so that backgrounds remained stationary and animator was only required to draw characters for showing movements.


The famous cartoonist, “Walt Disney” took animation to a new level by introducing sound to animation. It was he who first produced the first full-length classically animated feature film, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.


Invention of computer proved to be a good sign for animation artists as it had made the process of animation much easier. Special effects given through computer software proved great for grabbing attention of the viewers.


Antecedently, animation was used for making movies and cartoons but today business owners are using animation to advertise as well. Smart business owners prefer going for explainer video in order to promote their business effectively to customers.

There are six animation styles through which business can promote its products and services which are mentioned below:

1) Character Animation: This animation style is ideal for targeting products made for children. Bisconni’sCocomo” Commercial is a good example of character animation.  

2) Whiteboard Animation: A whiteboard video is effective for promotion of complex business. Below is a whiteboard video that promotes the complex business of GREYHOUNDLEGAL.COM in style to its target audience:

3) Kinetic Animation: This style is usually used to remind people about a popular product or service. Following video reminds people about the funny conversation among people in the American action comedy film, “Rush Hour”. 

4) Cutout Animation: Cutout animation is a great choice if you want to inspire your viewers. Following video is a good example of cutout animation:

5) Infographics Animation: It is used to present complex information quickly and clearly to the target audience. Following video of pricena.com follows infographics animation:

6) Screencast Animation: Screencast animation is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a “Video Screen Capture”. This animation style gives people good understanding about a business. Following screencast video of ideascale.com tells people how the site works:

You would have understood by now the meaningfulness of each animation style. Character animation attracts children, a whiteboard video describes complex business, kinetic typography video reminds people about something that is popular, cutout video inspires viewers,  infographics animation delivers a business message effectively and screencast animation help people understand a particular business. In short, every explainer video has a value for business.  

